Bringing Stone-Campbell Churches Together In Mission

Through learning, gathering, and serving, Global Christian Connexion (formerly World Convention) works to bring Christian Churches, Disciples of Christ, and Churches of Christ (and other like-minded Churches) together in effective mission efforts.


Pamoja. The Swahili word for together is the theme for the 20th Global Gathering! 

There is an incredible team of Africans coming together for the planning of our first-ever African Gathering. Bishop Wilmose Kiplagat, a board member of Global Christian Connexion, is leading the planning team. Other board members, BJ Mpofu (Zimbabwe) and Paul Chimhungwe (Eswantini) are also part of creating this historic event. Registration will open on March 1, 2025.

Help Serve Refugees in Przemyśl

The increased bombing of civilian targets in Ukraine is pushing more women, children, and the elderly to flee Ukraine. With your help, we have reopened the refugee center at the border and the staff and volunteers have named it "Safe Home" and it is exactly what our goal is - to create a safe home for those who have to leave their homes for unknown ones. Would you join us in serving them? We are also hosting 40 young Ukrainian people for a week of camp each month to provide respite for them build resilience and meet their physical and spiritual neends.

Support GC Connexion where Needed Most

By designating use of your gift "where needed most", you enable us to allocate funds at our discretion for priority needs—those shown here, as well as expenses that include developing and implementing our strategy to learn, serve and gather together.

Our Global Churches Participation in Poland

In 2024 we are inviting our sister Churches from around the world to join us in Poland to serve alongside Polish and Ukrainian believers. There are still millions of refugees living in Poland, some newly arriving and others in the midst of trying to settle for as long as the war persists. Some of our Churches will have difficulty participating due to the high costs of flights. Be part of the demonstration of the unity of the Church in this continuing crisis.


Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of what refugees are experiencing and be inspired by how Polish people are writing a "new story" in their relationship with Ukrainians.

We are grateful to be able to be part of this.

Please join us—and them—through your support.

About Achieving Unity Through Connexion

Today in any Christian World Communion, there is great diversity in belief and practice. 

There are also many features of each stream that the whole church of Jesus Christ shares.

Global Christian Connexion facilitates the power of unity by providing resources and opportunities for Stone-Campbell churches (and beyond) to learn from each other.


Together we are stronger and better equipped for mission.

Get all the Benefits by joining the Connexion Community: 

Check out these podcasts that GCC participates in:


Tina Bruner of Global Christian Connexion, Jason Cox of the International Mission Board, and Karen Hendren, producer for the Ed Stetzer Live postcast, share insights from their time in Poland offering aid and support to the refugees and volunteers in this crisis.
Listen Now >


Common Grounds Unity seeks, in part, to be an answer to the prayer of Jesus in John 17:21-23. Jesus valued unity and prayed for it - that we “may all be one.”

Tina Bruner, Executive Director of Global Christian Connexion is a Co-Host and invites you to listen regularly and be motivated!

Listen to the Latest Episode >

Exciting Announcement!
New Name—Expanded Work.

World Convention of Churches of Christ completes strategic planning process with launching of new name and expanded work through Global Christian Connexion!

Making Connexions!

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We will respond during our business week within 24 hours.

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